Created in May 1998, this "living history" confederation portrays a variety of
Between the States
artillery units that
served the Southern cause.
Knibb's is named
in honor of John Binford Knibb
the great-grandfather
of the
Battery's founder
and organizational architect,
James H. Cochrane, Jr.
Boasting a membership
of more than 60 people from
a diversity of backgrounds,
Knibb's Battery has performed at dozens of head marker
dedications, "live fire" demonstrations, weddings, school
programs and over a hundred re-enactments.
The Battery is ably led by a corps of experienced officers under the command of Capt. James H. Cochrane, 1st Lieutenant Tony Lackey, 1st Lieutenant Don Waldrup, 2nd Lieutenant Ed Craun and numerous NCOs. The ladies of Knibb's Battery also dress in period costume and participate in most of the events and encampments.
Captain James H. "Jim" Cochrane, Jr.
is the commanding officer of Knibb's Battery,
a family-oriented "living history" organization based in Richmond, Virginia.
Members of the unit strive to honor our heritage through accurate depiction of a working Confederate artillery battery.